Friday, April 10, 2009

Finding purpose

Being told all my life that I always have an answer to everything. I found a career that provides pretty well by being able to answer quickly. I have spent fourteen years selling cars and trucks.

For as long as I have held employment I have never been happy taking orders from authority figures.I have also discovered that the answer to that was to be self sufficient. This means working on a straight commission basis with several car dealers. If you do not understand straight commission no sale no pay. I work when I want where I want and if I want.

The Quest

Where to begin. It is much easier to think of things to express than the actual action of expression.

I have studied extensively into all matters of subjects. I have mastered none.

The thing I have been searching for my whole life has always been eluding me. I only recently discovered the nature of this quest.

First I sought knowledge.

Then I met people who knew all sorts of things yet seemed to me the most moronic sort. They knew not how to apply it.

Secondly I sought wisdom for as surely this would be the ability to put knowledge to a productive use.

Then I met people who lived a delusional life of false priorities and lust for material gain.

Lastly I found something which has since being discovered occupied my obscessive search. I know fully I am on a quest for TRUTH.

Not your TRUTH!

Not Their TRUTH!

No Ones TRUTH but my own!!!!!!


beginning a blog

This morning I have decided to start a Blog. Not knowing much about this particular art form I am sure it will seem quite amateurish at first. I promise to hone my skills to provide content you would be willing to read. I hope to give you my personal insights into different aspects of our society.

Comments are always welcome.

Thank You