Friday, April 10, 2009

Finding purpose

Being told all my life that I always have an answer to everything. I found a career that provides pretty well by being able to answer quickly. I have spent fourteen years selling cars and trucks.

For as long as I have held employment I have never been happy taking orders from authority figures.I have also discovered that the answer to that was to be self sufficient. This means working on a straight commission basis with several car dealers. If you do not understand straight commission no sale no pay. I work when I want where I want and if I want.

1 comment:

ScottO said...

I know somebody who went to law school, but claims that all lawyers are crooks so he doesn't practice. (I suspect he didn't pass the Bar exam.) He also refuses to pay income taxes. He has chosen to cut hair for a living. He says, "If the IRS sends an investigator to see how much money I make in a day, I close up shop and make no money that day."